
Customer Testimonials

  Ray Eugene, Oregon 12/19/2019  

But, given that I've had the pleasure of riding it for 14 years, it seems a very small cost for a wear item.


Ray                      Eugene, OR

  Ginny MA 11/12/2019  

It has been a while since I contacted you (4years!) . . . my bike has worked great!


Ginny                      MA

  Randal San Luis Obispo, CA 11/3/2019  

Just passed 10,000 miles . . .


Randal                      SLO, CA

  David Ashland, Oregon 8/17/2019  

 LOVE MY E-GOs!  I've had one since 2005 and another since 2007!


David                       Ashland, OR

  Will Santa Cruz, CA 06/16/2016  

I have been an eGO rider for over 10 years and made a hobby of repairing, rebuilding, restoring, and modifying the eGo scooter. 13 so far!
It was love at first sight, I was watching bikes go uphill and eGo flew by at almost 20mph uphill!

The acceleration is quick and strong, and I truly love the way they handle with the low center of gravity they are quite nimble and a pleasure to ride!!

The savings on gas, wear and tear on a big car. For a short commute and parking, it is a lifesaver. I also service a number of my coworker's scooters some of who use it as their sole transportation. A huge thanks to Vince for keeping eGo available to the public with great parts service.


Will                       Santa Cruz, CA 06/16

  Tom Long Island, NY 5/2016  

- Just wanted to thank you again for the excellent customer service. I bought my eGO Cycle (that's what they were called then) in 2007. Here we are 9 years later and I'm just replacing the original batteries! This eGO cycle is one of my proudest purchases. I'm proud that I am running on electricity rather than fossil fuel. I am proud to own such a well-made product. And I am proud to be one of the very few people on Long Island, NY, that I know of, to own an eGO. Everywhere I go I get folks asking me "is that electric"
or "where did you get that", or "I want one". The eGO is definitely a one of kind vehicle.

Anyway, I really feel more people should be looking at the eGO as a short commute vehicle. It has served me well over the last 9 years and it is still going strong, especially since I put the new batteries in! :o)

Thanks again!


Tom D.                    Long Island, NY 5/16

  James Irvine, CA  2/15  

-The "hills" part makes the electric scooter particularly welcome, especially on the way back home (up). It takes me 3 minutes door-to-door to go from my home to the building in which I work. It takes an additional 1 minute to go up the elevator and park it right outside my office door. That's perfect because I can hardly walk to the parking lot in 4 minutes, let alone drive from my home and find a parking space for my car. The weather here in southern California helps, in that, I rarely have to worry about rain. In summary, the scooter just fits perfectly into my niche.

James                   Irvine, CA  2/15

  Tony ABQ 2/14  

- I've owned and ridden a lot of electric bikes, scooters, and even motorcycles. My motorcycle, bigger as it was, couldn't realistically carry the volume of stuff that an eGO can. I have talked to hundreds of people who purchased a Tidalforce, Voloci, or a Chinese electric scooter. They all use them less than they thought they would because of cargo issues. It's definitely a unique feature of the eGO. Some reviewer, years ago, said eGO was the only electric scooter that you could do your Christmas shopping on!

….eGO's have other strengths too but IMO the ability to do the work of hauling my stuff is the most impressive one. When I have other choices to ride, with plusher rides or, more bling factor the eGO gets the call most of the time simply because of the others not being able to carry the spoils of my errands.
Tony ABQ 2/14

  Dave  Portland OR  9/14  

-BINGO!  Got it!  Thank you so very much for your help!  I'm finally back on the bicycle road saving gas money and the environment.  I really like the scooter, and especially your tech support.  I wish all the companies I deal with would be so helpful………

I love my e-GO and have put literally thousands of miles on it. 

Thanks again
Dave in Portland OR  9/14

  Chad      8/14  
  - My wife Ginny loves her scooter.
Chad    8/14
  James      New Jersey  9/14  
  -My wife is on her second eGO and loves it.
James                 from  New Jersey  9/14
  Rick St. Johns, FL  
  -Great!  Awesome customer service!  Hope to get others into buying their own ego vehicle!
Thanks, Rick from St. Johns, Fl.    
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